Origin Story
Inspiration for MizzFitts Fun Finds comes from memories of past, present, and future. Including favorite movies and characters from her family, her husband, her misfits, and herself of course. What was, what is, and what will be. From the people in her life that gave her the strength to keep going. One misfit and one moment at a time.
Once Upon a Time there was a little girl who loved watching holiday movies. Her favorite was Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and The Island of Misfit Toys. Do you remember that movie?
Fast forward years later, that girl grew up. She still remembered her favorite movie as a child and how it made her feel. How she too felt like a misfit. She was the youngest misfit of five daughters. She also remembered how wonderful it is to be a misfit and that it is okay to be different. She never really knew who she was or what she wanted to be. She loved listening to all kinds of music, she loved dancing, singing, writing poetry, photography, and of course watching movies that inspired her. She has beauty like her mother and a strong will like her father. Little did she know, she was about to have little misfits of her own.
The girl became a woman. She is a wife (married twenty three years to her Viking King), a mother (five misfits – two sons and three daughters), and a grandmother (three grandsons so far). She worked many different jobs to help support her family. She worked in food service, retail, wholesale, and warehouse distribution. She volunteered in the community and at her children’s schools. She knew it was no longer about her anymore. Her little misfits came first. All those little misfits each have amazing talents of their own. Dreams and fun inspirations. All her sacrifices were worth it because those little misfits alongside her husband are who she lives for!
All her misfit children march to the beat of their own drum. Each misfit has unique abilities, talents, and desires. What they all have in common together is their unconditional love for family and spending time together during holidays. Decorating, cooking, baking, and having fun. Family dinners, movie nights, and game nights are the best!
One tragic day, one of her little misfits became an angel. She was the youngest of all the misfits. Their lives would never be the same again. Life had to go on for her, her misfit offspring, and her husband (the man of her dreams literally and father to the youngest misfit daughter, but that is for another story). Life continues to go on and they all find the strength to make it through one day at a time. More to this story to be told in another space in time.
Going through the motions with many tears, the show must go on. The girl made a choice. A decision that would change her life. She took her life experiences and opened this unique store. Not just any store. One with stories to tell. Adventures to share. When it comes down to it, we are all really a bunch of misfits. We all have been through some hard times, and we do our best to remember the good times. Sometimes we find fun things as a reminder of people we love or good memories to cherish. Sometimes it is nice to have little fun finds that help make our day or someone else’s day a little brighter.